Simple Water Savings

Home Depot faucet 1.5GPM aerato

Home Depot faucet 1.5GPM aerato

I don’t know why boat manufacturers don’t put dual action water conserving aerators on their boats from the factory.

Resource management is a way of life on a boat. Whether it’s battery amps, diesel fuel, cooking gas, food, space, or fresh water.

The aerator that came on my boat was wide open (upper right panel in the picture) unnecessarily wasting gobs of water when doing small tasks like the dishes or rinsing veggies.

For $10 I can now be more efficient in managing my water tanks. Sometimes it’s the simple and overlooked things that can make huge differences.

Island Rambler

[UPDATE] Well this is an interesting twist to what I thought was a fairly simple post. After the success of changing the kitchen faucet aerator, I thought I’d upgrade the lavatory sink faucet as well. The lavatory’s faucet is much smaller so I choose a smaller adjustable aerator (stream or spray). This particular aerator has a default position of stream mode and you have to push it down slightly to change to the spray mode and water pressure holds it there.

This is where I was surprised, on my boat water is delivered via a pressure sensitive pump which cycles on and off as the water pressure at the faucet fluctuates. It looks like my pump’s response time is either not fast enough or strong enough to hold the faucet pressure. The new aerator will not stay in spray mode, it keeps snapping back to the default stream mode.

The moral of the story? Be careful if you’re buying a faucet aerator for your boat, ones that are spring loaded and rely on water pressure to operate might not work on a boat.

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