Current Cruising Status: Solving the Electronic log book conundrum.
Cool New Interactive map of the World’s Hazards
June 29, 2015
If you haven’t figured it out yet, Yes I’m a huge statistics and math nerd, I love seeing new and inventive ways big data is being used in today’s world. Some of it’s good, some…
Ramblings from Instagram
June 27, 2015
Can I get you an 11.15oz can of soda? I remember soda coming in 12oz cans?
Great surprise from an Island Rambler fan & neighbor
June 26, 2015
My neighbor and Island Rambler fan just gave me her 5 year collection of silica packets for my trip! How cool is that?! We’re Gonzo protected now! Cheers, Island Rambler
Baked Avocado Bombs
June 25, 2015
My all time favorite veggie is avocado. The only problem I have with them is the razor thin time between ripe and decomposed. They can go from creamy emerald green to mushy gray in the blink of an eye. Because this recipe calls for cooking the avocados we can use ones that are still callow…
Ramblings from Instagram
June 24, 2015
I just had to buy me some! I don't think I've had a Cherry Sour in 20 years. However I remember them being bigger?