Grapes aren’t just for wine anymore!

Frozen grapes chill'n my water.

Frozen grapes chill’n my water.

I don’t know who the genius is, I need to buy them a beer, but this boat/life hack is just too awesome not to share with everyone. I have a love/hate relationship with ice. I love having it on the boat to chill my drinks and water. I hate getting it on the boat – there are only two ways to get and keep ice on my boat: pay outrageous sums of monetary units on shore and race back to the boat before it all melts or try making it ourselves with ice cube trays and risk unseen icebergs at the bottom of the freezer chest. Both solutions are fraught with danger, intrigue, and drama.

Then I found this life hack on the internet, freeze grapes and use them as ice cubes to chill drinks, I love this!

Buy some grapes, remove them from their vine, wash them off, let them dry off a bit, put them in a bowl or baggy, and freeze them solid. When you need an ice cube grab a handful of grapes drop them in your drink, keep calm and carry on. There’s no worry of spilling water all over your freezer, no rushing around trying to get the rapidly leaking ice bag to the boat.

I have not tried it yet, but I also think they would make a great replacement for chill packs that we put in our hiking trip lunches. Load them up in your lunch bag, 3-4 hours later on the hike when it’s time for lunch, the grapes should be thawed and the rest of your lunch should be nice and cool. I will give it a try and let you know how it works on our next hiking trip.

Island Rambler

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