Free wire identification tags!

Bread Clip identifying a cable in the back of the sail locker

Bread Clip identifying a cable in the back of the sail locker

I don’t know how your boat is wired, but I have power and data cables running all over the place and keeping them straight is a large frustration point for me. The biggest problem I have is losing track of a cable from the breaker panel that disappears behind a bulkhead or some other obstruction only to reappear in the sail locker in the middle of a bundle of other similar cables. (the best place to hide a needle is not in a haystack but a stack of other needles.) A friend turned me onto this little cabling hack for computer rooms, but I think it’s brilliant for boats.

Save those plastic clips that come on bread bags and use them to identify cables. They fit around most wires/cables, you can use a Sharpie to write identifying marks on them then clip them on, DONE!… and for FREE!

The awesome side benefit is that this normally disposable plastic widget that would probably wind up in the ocean killing some unsuspecting creature now has a permanent job in the world! WIN WIN WIN….

Island Rambler

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