Baked Avocado Bombs
June 25, 2015
My all time favorite veggie is avocado. The only problem I have with them is the razor thin time between ripe and decomposed. They can go from creamy emerald green to mushy gray in the blink of an eye. Because this recipe calls for cooking the avocados we can use ones that are still callow…
Sweet Breakfast Rice
May 24, 2015
I was really excited when I tripped over the idea of rice for breakfast. As a westerner we really don’t see rice on the breakfast menu. However after spending some time in Asia I can tell you that it makes a great quick start to the day. On my boat rice is the primary starch…
Rambler Whiskey French Toast
February 24, 2015
Bread does not last long on a boat, it’s just a fact of life. It’s hot and humid and bread goes stale rather quickly. It’s situations like this that french toast was invented for and I’m going to take full advantage of those wise french ladies. I’ve been making french toast since I was kid…
Duck Tape Crepes
October 24, 2014
Crepes are like culinary duck tape on my boat, I can cook a batch or two and use them throughout the week for breakfast, snacks, sandwiches, even dinner. They are crazy versatile and don’t take up much room in my tiny fridge. I stole this particular recipe from my cooking mentor Alton Brown, here’s the…