Dill Parmesan seasoned Popcorn
November 5, 2015
I have a tendency to snack while I’m sailing, probably something to do with my inability to sit still. I blame my grandmother for drilling into me the dangers of idle hands. With that said I like to have healthy and lo-cal snacks easily available. My local bar used to offer patrons a free basket…
Galley Focaccia Bread
September 14, 2015
Mmm…more bread, I like bread. Having bread around in the galley makes it more ‘homey’ to me, which is probably why I have so many bread recipes. Focaccia bread has a special place for me though, it’s that quintessential side for most of my Italian inspired dishes, it’s not really good far anything like sandwiches…
Balsamic Honey Dijon Vinaigrette
August 13, 2015
Salads are one of my favorite side dishes to a meal. They make me feel like I’m being all healthy and require almost zero fuel units to make. With that said a good vinaigrette can make or break a salad. I only have a few vinaigrette recipes and this is one of my staples. It’s…
Tasty Balsamic Chicken with Mushrooms
July 15, 2015
Winner winner chicken dinner! This recipe is crazy simple, super quick, and only dirties a pan and a plate! Gotta love that! I eat a lot of chicken it’s plentiful fairly inexpensive and a great source of lean protein. The only problem I have with it, is that it’s very easy to over cook and…
Baked Avocado Bombs
June 25, 2015
My all time favorite veggie is avocado. The only problem I have with them is the razor thin time between ripe and decomposed. They can go from creamy emerald green to mushy gray in the blink of an eye. Because this recipe calls for cooking the avocados we can use ones that are still callow…
Super Easy Fish & Veggies
June 24, 2015
When we used to go camping we made what we called ‘Cowboy steaks’. Aluminum pouches of steak, potatoes, carrots, onions, salt and pepper. Once the campfire was going we’d just take them out of the cooler and drop them directly into the ashes to cook for 15-20 minutes. Open them up and instant chow! Fish…
Easy Beef & Broccoli
June 22, 2015
When island hopping beef is not something that most people think of for dinner. Mainly due to it’s ASTRONOMICAL COST! However there are times when you’re just craving beef and nothing else will do. This recipe is targeted directly at that situation. It does a great job of extending the beef you have, you can…
Easy Pizza DOH!!!
June 19, 2015
I love pizza! I personally think it should be it’s own food group but those humorless government bureaucrats say "No". Obviously they don’t understand the importance of a large round flat bread covered in all my favorite ingredients and cooked to perfection. Many people never think to make pizza at home/aboard because they think the…
Sweet Breakfast Rice
May 24, 2015
I was really excited when I tripped over the idea of rice for breakfast. As a westerner we really don’t see rice on the breakfast menu. However after spending some time in Asia I can tell you that it makes a great quick start to the day. On my boat rice is the primary starch…
Quick & Easy Baked Cod
March 25, 2015
One thing we are not short of on a boat is fish! To keep things interesting though we do need multiple recipes to keep things from getting boring. I like this recipe because of how easy and simple it is and the fact there’s not a ton of sauce drowning the delicate fish. Ingredients: 1/4…
Rambler Whiskey French Toast
February 24, 2015
Bread does not last long on a boat, it’s just a fact of life. It’s hot and humid and bread goes stale rather quickly. It’s situations like this that french toast was invented for and I’m going to take full advantage of those wise french ladies. I’ve been making french toast since I was kid…
KORN Bread!!
February 4, 2015
It’s probably my southern upbringing but cornbread is a staple in my diet. It goes with all most everything, hot or cold it doesn’t matter. I know there are gobs of those ready made cornbread mixes on the shelves, I just prefer to make my own from scratch. I don’t trust what’s in those mystery…
January 9, 2015
This is not really a recipe as much as a bunch of ingredients all in the same bowl at the same time. I’m not sure what the real name of this mix is, but everyone I know and myself have always referred to it as ‘Gorp’. It’s been a staple in my gym bag since…
Rambling Beer Bread
January 6, 2015
Why have I not heard of this before? OK, so I’m late to the party, till last holiday season I had never heard of beer bread. My parent’s neighbor gave them a handmade beer bread kit as a gift. We cooked it up for dinner using a Budweiser. It was super simple and seriously tasty,…
Red Beans and Rice
December 8, 2014
Just so we’re clear here, I’m risking my life bringing you this recipe. Red beans and rice is a religion with some of my family and a lot of southerners. I’ve made some alterations that some would consider sacrilege. My modifications were done to reduce cooking time and clean up in the galley, something home…
Homemade Granola Bars
October 24, 2014
I’ve searched high and low for a decent granola bar recipe and this one is the current winner. Most of the recipes I found on-line required an unacceptable amount of sugar, I wanted a granola bar not a candy bar. My opinion is that a granola bar is supposed to be a quick and easy…
Recycled Banana Muffins
October 24, 2014
I’m not one to waste anything especially when I’ve paid good money and allocated space on the boat; two resources which are limited in my world. However it never seems to fail, one banana seems to over ripen before I can eat it. I needed to find a way to recycle these misfit bananas. At…
Lemony Scurvy Dogs
October 24, 2014
I originally got this recipe from allrecipes.com but it required some tweaking to be functional on my boat. The batter is very boat friendly; it’s lightness doesn’t require a power hungry mixer or pop-eye forearms to mix. They’re quick, easy, and they help keep scurvy at bay, what’s not to like. These little lemony cookie…
Baked penne pasta and Awesomeness!
October 24, 2014
I’ve been cooking this dish so long I have no idea where I first ran across it. I like this dish because it’s simple to shop for as well as make. The second benefit, is it can easily be modified: add some sauteed mushrooms, substitute the Mozzarella with Fontina, or use a different marinara sauce.…
Zucchini Chips
October 24, 2014
Looking for an alternative to store bought Bag-O-Chips? I really like this recipe because most of the ingredients are stock items and all I have to find is some fresh Zucchinis and I’m in business. I originally got this recipe from allrecipes.com. The first batch was good but I’ve made a few alterations for galley…
Duck Tape Crepes
October 24, 2014
Crepes are like culinary duck tape on my boat, I can cook a batch or two and use them throughout the week for breakfast, snacks, sandwiches, even dinner. They are crazy versatile and don’t take up much room in my tiny fridge. I stole this particular recipe from my cooking mentor Alton Brown, here’s the…