Even though these two OTC drugs cure opposite problems in humans they both can be used for the same problem on a boat
There’s nothing more frustrating than a seized bolt on a boat. This is usually caused by: a high temperature environment, contact between dissimilar metals, or corrosion/oxidation. When things are perfect and you’re working in a well stocked marina normally a person will coat the threads of a bolt in some specifically designed anti-seize dope to prevent this problem. However if you’re out in the middle of the ocean and doing a repair in a pinch, you can use either Kaopectate or Milk of Magnesia as an anti-seize (Make sure to use the the liquid form and unflavored).
From what I can tell both of these poop restorative remedies have clay in their ingredient list. After they are applied to a bolt and torqued down, the liquid portion will evaporate leaving behind a very very thin layer of silica clay that will inhibit the seizing of bolts. Silica is both non-reactive and extremely heat resistive.
Don’t believe me look it up on the internet, I even found references to jet engine service manuals mentioning this due to it’s resistance to high temperatures. The space shuttle tiles are almost all quartz silica.
Gotta love science! Hope this helps someone in the future..
Cheers, Island Rambler!